Enter our bi-weekly photo contest

Show your support for A Better Banff Ave. Follow us on social and join our bi-weekly photo contest and share the joy. To enter, post a photo using the hashtag #betterbanffave and send us a direct message with your photo.

Every two weeks, we will draw from the names of everyone who entered the photo contest via our website. At the end of our 8-week competition, we’ll enter all names into our grand prize draw for an e-bike from Bike Banff.

Date Contest Theme Prizes
July 2 – July 14 Contest 1 – General:  A photo showing how you enjoy A Better Banff Ave $100 gift card to Evelyn’s Coffee Bar
July 15 – July 28 Contest 2 – Pet Zone: A photo of a pet enjoying A Better Banff Ave $100 gift card to Tooloulou’s
July 29 – August 11 Contest 3 – Fed on the Ped – (Giving street food new meaning) TBD
August 12 – August 13 Contest 4 – VOTE DAY: Any shot of you going to or getting ready to go vote (Note: no photos allowed inside the Vote locations) Grand Prize: E-bike from Bike Banff


Follow our social sites and connect

Post your photo and then send us a direct message with your photo



Must be a full-time resident of Banff with proof of address.


Follow our social sites:


Post your photo on Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok with #betterbanffave.


Direct message us your photo on Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok.


If you have a private account, make sure you allow us to follow you so we can see your #betterbanffave submission.

Enter our bi-weekly photo contest

Show your support for A Better Banff Ave. Follow us on social and join our bi-weekly photo contest and share the joy. To enter, post a photo using the hashtag #betterbanffave. Then, fill out our form including your name, email, social handle, and a link to your post.

Every two weeks, we will draw from the names of everyone who entered the photo contest via our website. At the end of our 8-week competition, we’ll enter all names into our grand prize draw for an e-bike from Bike Banff.

Contest 1 – General:  A photo showing how you enjoy A Better Banff Ave
Date:  July 2 – July 14
Prizes: $100 gift card to Evelyn’s Coffee Bar

Contest 2 – Pet Zone: A photo of a pet enjoying A Better Banff Ave
Date: July 15 – July 28
Prizes: $100 gift card to Tooloulou’s

Contest 3 – Fed on the Ped – (Giving street food new meaning)
Date: July 29 – August 11
Prizes:  TBD

Contest 4 – VOTE DAY: Any shot of you going to or getting ready to go vote (Note: no photos allowed inside the Vote locations)
Date: August 12 – August 13
Prizes:  Grand Prize: E-bike from Bike Banff

Follow our social sites and connect

Post your photo and then submit an entry on our site



Must be a full-time resident of Banff with proof of address.


Follow our social sites:


Post your photo on Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok with #betterbanffave.


Direct message us your photo on Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok.


If you have a private account, make sure you allow us to follow you so we can see your #betterbanffave submission.

Enter for a chance to win

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Receive the newsletter to stay up to date on all A BETTER BANFF AVE activities

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